
Translated from Portuguese

 Exhibition: “Re-Encounter”

Baldassano, Bravo & Lapa

Dates: July 3 to August 5,2016

Location: Casa Das Artes, Tavira, Portugal 


 The noted New York artist Vincent Baldassano will live and work in Tavira 5 June to 5 July as Artist ­ in -Residence, and participate in the exhibition “Re­Encounter” with the works of the late Portuguese artists Joaquim Bravo (1990) and Alvaro Lapa (2000).

In 1972 Baldassano, came from the USA and lived in Lagos, where he met and befriended the artists Lapa and Bravo. He was scheduled for an exhibition of his work the following year in Lisbon at the gallery Judith Dacruz, but it was never realized due to the revolution of April 25,1973.

Returning to New York, Baldassano received bad news that his paintings were lost. Surprisingly they were found, only last year, 2015. They were located in the estate of the gallery and returned to him.

Delighted with the find, Baldassano expressed an interest in having an exhibition in Portugal.

Understanding his availability, the Casa das Artes invited him to have an exhibition of his works made while living in Portugal in 1972/73 along with the works made by both Bravo and Lapa at that time. Mr. Baldassano will also show his recent works, which will be produced, during his stay in Tavira.

The Casa Das Artes, Tavira is privileged to have the first exhibition of Baldassano in Portugal. The exhibition “Re Encounter” will be held in Tavira July 3 to August 5,2016.

  Vincent Baldassano was born in New York holds a Master the Fine Arts from the University of Oregon and Bachelor of Arts from Wagner College in New York.  He now lives in Connecticut and is Professor of Fine Arts at Gateway Community College, New Haven and is on the faculties of Western Connecticut State University, and the National Academy Museum School, New York